
Automatic Number of Headers in HTML []

Moved to the page http://3rdstage.wikia.com/ in my wiki as of 15th Nov. 2012.

You can generate the number of headers(h1 ... h6) in HTML using couner-reset, counter-increment, content properties and :before pseudo element of CSS2.
But this feature is not supported with Internet Explorer 6 and 7.

To localize the numbering, you can demarcate the area using division which has id provperty.
The following sample shows how you can do it very intuitively.

<style type="text/css">
#go-out-with-her { counter-reset:step; }
#go-out-with-her h5:before{
   content:counter(step) ". ";

<div id="go-out-with-her">
<h5>Choose a movie</h5>
<p>The movie maybe one of the most common ...</p>

<h5>Choose time</h5>
... Friday or Saturday would be the most proper day.  
Avoid Sunday or too hot day. A slightly rainy day could be positive...

<h5>Choose a theater</h5>
... You should think in advance where to go after the movie. 
A nice restaurant or a park ...

<h5>Call her</h5>
... Avoid Monday.... Three or four days before would be nice...

<h5>Prepare a small gift</h5>
The present should not too expensive, big or uncommon. 
Well-known book, CD could be nice.
The above source would be look like the following in the browser.
Choose a movie

The movie maybe one of the most common ...

Choose time

... Friday or Saturday would be the most proper day. Avoid Sunday or too hot day. A slightly rainy day could be positive...

Choose a theater

... You should think in advance where to go after the movie. A nice restaurant or a park ...

Call her

... Avoid Monday.... Three or four days before would be nice...

Prepare a small gift

The present should not too expensive, big or uncommon. Well-known book, CD could be nice.

The following CSS rules can be applied more generally.

div.post-body { 
div.post-body h4:before{
  content:counter(step-for-h4) ". ";
div.post-body h4 { 
div.post-body h5:before{
  content:counter(step-for-h4) ". " counter(step-for-h5) ". ";
div.post-body h5 { 
div.post-body h6:before{
  content:counter(step-for-h4) ". " counter(step-for-h5) ". " counter(step-for-h6) ". ";

For more readings.


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