
Tips on Redmine

The number in the parenthesis means the version of Redmine.

Features and Shortness

  • The pages are based on 'XHTML 1.0 Transitional' (0.9.2)
  • List syntax in wiki, especially with ordered list and nested list, can't provide to use blank lines between list items. (0.9.2)
    For example, the following is not to be made simply with Wiki
    1. Spring Framework
      - Dependency injection.
      - Application module or component model.
    2. iBATIS
      - Data assess.
      - Separation of source and SQL statement.
      - Effective and easy syntax for dynamic query.
      - No resource leakage due to unclosed ResultSet or Statement object.
  • Each project can't define its own set of issue status. All the project in the Redmine have to share the same set of issue status. (0.8.4)
  • Writing directly HTML tags in Wiki or Forum is not allowed. (0.9.2)
  • Tracker and name of the issue can't be changed. Why? (0.9.2)
    I was wrong. Changing tracker and name of an issue has been possible since 0.9.x
  • An issue can't be assigned to more than two members. (0.9.2)

Notable Redmine Plugins


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