
Tips on Oracle for Non-admin User []

Moved to the page http://3rdstage.wikia.com/ in my wiki as of 15th Nov. 2012.

Readings : References, Tutorials, and Articles

Finding roles and privileges of a user or current session.

With more emphasis on securities, default privileges for a regular(non-DBA) user is very restrictive. As of Oracle database 10.2, CONNECT and RESOURCE which are typical predefined roles for a regular user don't include create view and create synonym privileges.

So often, you should have to check what roles and privileges are given for a user. You can do that using the following statements.

-- finding all roles for the current session

-- finding all privileges for the current session

Required roles to access dynamic performance (V$) views.

To access the dynamic performance views such as V$SESSION, V$PARAMETER and V$LOCK as well as static dictionary views of DBA such as DBA_TABLES, DBA_SEQUENCES and DBA_SYNONYMS, the user need SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE

DBA user can grant the role to the user using the following statement.

GRANT select_catalog_role TO :username;

Finding the values of parameters currently in effect.

Checking the context of current operation is really one of the most basic thing you can do in any circumstances. With Oracle, that is parameters. You can identify the current value of SGA max size, max sessions, optimizer mode or other settings throughout the parameter.


V$PARAMETER is one of public synonyms in default installation.

Identifying the character-set of the Oracle instance

Use the following statement.

select * from nls_database_parameters
where parameter = 'NLS_CHARACTERSET';

Changing the password of the user

Use the following statement.

ALTER USER :username IDENTIFIED BY :password;

Be cautious not to mark single quotation mark around values of :username and :password. The following is simple example.


When you are connected to Oracle using SQL*Plus, you can use password command to change your password.
The following is sample command line when changing password of hr user

Changing password for hr
Old password :
New password : 
Retype new password :
Password changed

Viewing information about users

About current user, access the following dictionary views.

View Description
USER_USERS Describes only the current user.
ALL_USERS Lists users visible to the current user, but does not describe them.
USER_TS_QUOTAS Describes tablespace quotas for current user.
USER_RESOURCE_LIMITS Displays the resource limits for the current user.
USER_PASSWORD_LIMITS Describes the password profile parameters that are assigned to the user.

More privileged users can use the following views to access the information of all users.

View Description
DBA_USERS Describes all users of the database.
DBA_TS_QUOTAS Describes tablespace quotas for users.
DBA_PROFILES Displays all profiles and their limits.
V$SESSION Lists session information for each current session, includes user name.

Use connect command of SQL*Plus without tnsnames.ora

Identifying execution plan of query


The execution plan of last executed query in plan table can be printed out using DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY_CURSOR function.

DBMS_XPLAN package was introduced at Oracle 9i, but DISPLAY_CURSOR function was added with Oracle 10g.
DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY_CURSOR function accesses V$SESSION, so the user need to have SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE role to correctly execute select * from table(DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY_CURSOR)

select employee_id, first_name || ' ' || last_name as name, department_id, job_id, manager_id  
from hr.employees  
where job_id = 'SA_REP'  
and manager_id in (146, 147);  

select * from table(DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY_CURSOR);

If you want to see just execution plan and not to actually execute the query. You can use EXPLAIN PLAN statement.

explain plan for
select employee_id, first_name || ' ' || last_name as name, department_id, job_id, manager_id  
from hr.employees  
where job_id = 'SA_REP'  
and manager_id in (146, 147);  

select * from table(DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY_CURSOR);
Using autotrace with SQL*Plus

When using SQL*Plus, you can turn on autotrace feature for the current session using SET AUTOTRACE ON command.

After the autotrace is enabled, execution of query would display normal result data and the execution plan right after it.

To use this feature, you must create a PLAN_TABLE table in your schema and then have the PLUSTRACE role granted to you.

SQL>SELECT employee_id, first_name || ' ' || last_name as name, department_id, job_id, manager_id
2 FROM hr.employees
3 WHERE job_id = 'SA_REP'  
4 AND manager_id IN (146, 147);  

If you want to see just execution plan and not to actually execute the query, you can use SET AUTOTRACE TRACEONLY command.

SQL>SELECT employee_id, first_name || ' ' || last_name as name, department_id, job_id, manager_id
2 FROM hr.employees
3 WHERE job_id = 'SA_REP'  
4 AND manager_id IN (146, 147);  


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